
Research scientist Loch Ness Monster

Can Revealing the mystery?
Or Just Adding Controversy?

Is the lake in Scotland there are monsters called with the Loch Ness? This phenomenon is not considered to play games and a team of scientists led by Swedish scientists in Jan Sundberg trying to uncover this mystery. Loch Ness Monster, Scotland, seems to have relatives in Norway. Norwegian ocean researchers, Aud Vold said on Soldal NTB news agency that he was recording voice mysterious sounds like a whale in Lake Seljord, Norway, so support the legend, the lake was inhabited by a monster. "Apparently, the sound that of living things, seen the frequency and structure. "he said. "I do not know where it came from, "he added. Recordings were reviewed by experts Norway, Sweden and the UK. Experts suspect the sound that of marine mammals such as whales, seals or sea lions. Creature dubbed the "Selma", the alleged relative of the Loch Ness monster suspected to reside in the Scottish lake.