Since the early days of UFO publicity, began efforts here and there to collect and assess this information. Because the public interest remains high, the U.S. Air Force investigation formed a project called "Project Sign" which later was renamed the "Project Grudge" and eventually became "Project Blue Book".
In subsequent years, UFO reports continued to arrive, regardless of the attitude of the U.S. Air Force, and later observed that these reports come in "waves" on a periodic basis. Activity peaks appeared in 1947, 1948, 1950, and is very important, in 1952. The report came from individuals from all walks of work, and in particular from aircraft pilots. A report submitted by Captain Clarence S. Chiles with co-pilot, John B Whitted, from a DC-3 (Dakota) Eastern Airlines.
In subsequent years, UFO reports continued to arrive, regardless of the attitude of the U.S. Air Force, and later observed that these reports come in "waves" on a periodic basis. Activity peaks appeared in 1947, 1948, 1950, and is very important, in 1952. The report came from individuals from all walks of work, and in particular from aircraft pilots. A report submitted by Captain Clarence S. Chiles with co-pilot, John B Whitted, from a DC-3 (Dakota) Eastern Airlines.
At 2:45 in the morning hours of July 23, 1948, sunny weather without clouds illuminated by moonlight, Chiles saw an object like a bullet, heading toward the plane to the southwest. They were 20 miles west of Montgomery, Alabama. Dibelokkannya DC-3 was to the left, and the UFO passed them at a distance of about 200 meters. Whitted then saw a cigar-shaped object, and seemed made of metal and no wings, and it has a "window holes" through which shone a strange light. A fire along the 15 meters out of the "tail" of his. When in parallel with the DC-3's, it was stopped and suddenly soared upward lightning. DC-3 was shaking, as if hit by a gas blast. Chiles went to the back, and found one of the passengers awoke and felt very worried about the big flash of light is seen outside the plane.
July 26, 1952, a UFO formation over the White House, Washington, DC. Do aliens have made official contact with the United States?
U.S. president at that time was Harry S. Truman believed to be closely with MJ12 and fall of a UFO in Roswell.
In th 1952 UFO incident happened many spectacular, but none more spectacular than what happened on July 26 night when a formation of UFOs across the air boundary restrictions on the White House in Washington, DC. They were traced by radar at three different airfields, and visually observed from the ground while they were spinning. A fighter plane rises into the air and drove into one of the UFO. The plane was approaching the light object, and the pilot shouted in surprise when the UFO suddenly fled with incredible speed and disappeared; at the same time bintiknya disappeared from radar screens. However, in 1952 in important, because in this year the global nature of this phenomenon fully aware, and is generally accepted that this is not homemade America.
Is it just fairytales or hallucinations? What is certain, then the frequency of UFO sightings in the United States is very high. Ever since Kenneth Arnold's testimony and the fall of UFOs in Roswell, the UFO phenomenon has been the subject of public discussion. Presumably, the U.S. public was quite panic also face the reality of UFOs and aliens. Moreover, they are still traumatized after the second world war. Moreover, in the year of the 50 events and the movie "War of the Worlds" has made Americans fear the thought that they were attacked by creatures from Mars.
The appearance of UFOs over the White House seems to be regarded as ordinary UFO sightings. But, if not possible if the time they have been in contact with the government of the United States? Is not it time the U.S. president, Harry S. Truman, is considered to know the fall of UFOs in Roswell and MJ12 secret agency. But as usual, the U.S. government appears to remain silent, kept it secret and deny it.
Various efforts have been made to investigate UFOs. Start with how to handle a serious amateur with a sophisticated and secret facilities owned by the U.S. Defense Department at Groom Lake, Las Vegas. But the explanation is not obtained, but rather theories that strange.
Later came the study centers who entered the category SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the search for extraterrestrial). In the flag is one of the SETI project in the works is CONTACT, The Construction and Contemplation of Beliveable Alien Culture (commentary and reflections on extraterrestrial beings).
Projects worth U.S. $ 100 million was initiated by the U.S. Space Agency (NASA) took place from October 12, 1992. Radio telescopes mounted extending from the north to the southern United States. At Mount Wilson, Los Angeles, there is a giant antenna that leads to the stars in the target list. Each star cluster is monitored at least 200 times over five minutes with 200 different frequencies. Messages of welcome and peace was emitted. "Come immediately. We are a young species that still have a lot to learn, "so it said. So far the project has yet to find a bright spot in the existence of other creatures.
The emergence of alien creatures were actually long in history. Some people who have seen as a religious event, or even as the train flew. 1890'an In many reports on the American planes cigar shaped. The same thing happened in England in 1909. In the year 1930'an people to see "ghost aircraft" on the Swedish, and during World War II, shiny objects across the sky a lot.
Formerly, UFO stories associated with more creatures from other dimensions, such as: an angel! Many stories circulated about the angels and jinn visit to earth. But getting closer to the present, the phenomenon of UFOs or flying saucers are more often contain stories of alien abductions, religious version is becoming obsolete. The phrase "flying saucer" or flying saucer itself was used by people in the year 1947 after a pilot saw the strange objects on the state of Washington.
Before many of the phenomena on earth humans abducted by aliens is growing, there are people who claimed to have made contact with beings from extra terrestrial world far more advanced. For example George Adamski, the year he was famous with his story 50'an meet creatures from the planet Venus and visited the moon with their aircraft. The 'link' like this Adamski claimed they travel across the universe on their own. According to him, "We are not victims of kidnappings. Our experience is not the same as that experienced by other people who unknowingly taken by the spacecraft. "
However, each person experiences different. In 1976, four students camped in the forest area is still wild in the northern town of Maine, east coast of the United States. One night they saw a bright object in the sky. Soon they saw a bright glowing oval object hovering above them. Then they felt had "lost time" in their conscious memory.
It was years later when they were in a state of hypnosis, then they may recall a period that erased it as a traumatic experience. It turned out that they experienced was abducted by aliens. They said that they were taken by flying saucer, where they were examined by strange creatures. So, this space kidnapping was only borrowed for a moment the earth's creatures and then returned again to the world.
In his paper entitled "The Mystery of the rise of Human Being abducted by UFOs and the UFO phenomenon," the Young Marshal (Ret.) J. Salatun explained that the UFO had been seen almost in all regions of this Earth. They appear repeatedly in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Oceania, and even Antarctica. Interestingly, a large number of countries have different policies in the publishing event.
Such a unique incident happened a few years ago when U.S. scientists visiting delegation to China. When the conversation raised the question of UFOs, the two countries also exchanged stories. Investigate a State government investigate Bamboo Curtain proved to have a more open policy. This appears from the testimony of the news of the flying objects of unknown broadcast freely without censorship.
In other countries, perhaps because so terrible keganjilannya, inclined UFO problem became a laughingstock. One UFO expert from France for example, is Dr. Jacques Vallee, UFO instead named as the "festival of absurdities". That's because the maneuver-maneuver seemed unaffected by gravity and inertia, can be stopped suddenly in the air, 180 prow degree berbelik immediately, zig-zag flight, and others.
The strangeness of this UFO flying ability was also recognized by an airforce fighter pilot, like a magazine ever published in Space. The pilot had spotted a UFO around the year 1995 in the South Pameungpeuk area, West Java.
"I do not see it visually, but our radar caught the unusual movements," said the reluctant pilot called this name. "Seniors who flew with me also confirm the same thing. Nothing as sophisticated fighter aircraft capable of anything that moves like that, "he added.
At that, he said, the plane's radar screen capture moving objects from a distance of about 10 nautical miles. With such a high speed, approaching the speed of the rocket, he was able to fly zig-zag. A vehicle flying qualities may not yet developed human beings with the most advanced technology ever. It seems that the flying saucer was conscious when he was being followed. For a while it was left alone. But when it lasted until penguntitan South Lampung, with such high speed he was moving and then just disappear from the radar screen. (continued)