
Did We Really Smart Track Foreign Civilization Earth?

5 billion years ago, planet Earth was still too hot for a living. It is estimated that new life is formed after the Earth cooled and the skin layer formed of water. The question is, is there life outside planet Earth?
Is there intelligent life on Earth will be found elsewhere in the vast Universe is? Or, is there a so-called ETI (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)?

A number of star systems like our solar system with the sun surrounded by planets, already surveyed, from the radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, in 1972. In 1977, they detected adalanya signal from outer space known as the WOW signal. But unfortunately, it was considered a false signal and then ignored. Is this an effort of will keep finding intelligent life outside Earth? 

WOW signal detected and allegedly sent by intelligent civilizations from outer space
Some countries expressed serious interest and researching this issue. Australia also joined the American effort to find ET or alien. Working closely with the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is based in California, has launched Southern SERENDIP, hunters extraterrestrial signals in the southern hemisphere.

In addition to SETI, the project was also undertaken together with the University of California, University of Western Sydney, and the Australian government research agency CSIRO. The launch will be done in the 

area of Australia Parkes radio telescope. Later, the researchers SERENDIP Southern program in Parkes during the next five years to monitor the 72 million channels simultaneously to hear the signals from other cultures living in this galaxy.
Long before Australia joined in this quest, actually Parkes radio telescope has recorded strange voices from outer space. Recording accident was May 9, 1990, raises strong suspicion that this signal is derived from the ET.
NASA itself, which is a United States space agency, while trying to convince Congress of the importance of this project brings the signal data which was accidentally recorded on various radio telescopes. There are at least six messages captured in the Earth in the last 15 years.
Projects seeking a space civilization finally got a budget 100 million U.S. dollars for a ten-year project term. Then built radio telescopes to capture radio waves, spread from the observatory in the Mojave Desert, California to the wet forests of Puerto Rico.
The seriousness of intelligent civilizations in the search for extraterrestrial UN plan to build a giant radio telescope that can examine more than a million stars in order to track the life in outer space.
Machine costing 800 million pounds which was called Square Kilometer Array (SKA), will be tersensitif astronomical instruments ever built. An agreement to
build a new telescope has been signed in August 2000 and then in a meeting of the International Astronomical Union in Manchester.
The scientists will spend a few years to design the technology that according to the plan will be completed in 2015. With this equipment is expected to be able to detect television and radio transmissions or signals emitted by the aliens.
"We will use it to check the distance to a star 1000 light years," said Jill Tarter, the main researcher in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), the United States. Seti-owned equipment is only able to learn a few thousands of stars.
Embryo of this plan to grow in recent months, in which astronomers announced the discovery of more than 40 planets in the solar system. Planets are very big and too hot for a living. But the discovery of a smaller planet, are like the earth Like it raises expectations.