
Alien and Human Life (Part Three)

Since the early days of UFO publicity, began efforts here and there to collect and assess this information. Because the public interest remains high, the U.S. Air Force investigation formed a project called "Project Sign" which later was renamed the "Project Grudge" and eventually became "Project Blue Book".
In subsequent years, UFO reports continued to arrive, regardless of the attitude of the U.S. Air Force, and later observed that these reports come in "waves" on a periodic basis. Activity peaks appeared in 1947, 1948, 1950, and is very important, in 1952. The report came from individuals from all walks of work, and in particular from aircraft pilots. A report submitted by Captain Clarence S. Chiles with co-pilot, John B Whitted, from a DC-3 (Dakota) Eastern Airlines.


Alien and Human Life (Part Two)

UFO phenomenon became so public attention when there was no news about the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947.Namun this discovery by the military authorities denied the United States and revealed that the rubble is just hot air balloon equipment accident or ordinary military. But definitely, there was something that fell in there and was recognized by them.
Initially, the statement could make a curious local residents. The reason is, the day before Maj. Jesse Marcel, intelligence officer Roswell Army Air Force, without consultation with higher authorities, already gave a statement to reporters bluntly, that reruntukkan in a purely agricultural land is an alien vehicle. Accompanied by local police officials, Marcel also emphasized, there is found a number of alien bodies. His features like small children, large heads, and hairless. Marcel later reprimanded a number of military officials and investigations are required to announce the mistake in the field. It was forced to make a press release that are not found in the ruins of a UFO, but only a fraction ordinary weather balloon.


Alien and Human Life (Part One)

A group of farmers in China, on Monday January 3, 2000 night reported seeing the object with bright light floating in the sky it. And a group of poor farmers is not the only people who had seen a UFO. Just last month the community in 12 cities in China reported seeing a UFO. While researchers preoccupied by reports of abductions in Beijing. Not by Triad or the government forces, but by being an alien space alias. In Pusalu dominated by fields of corn and beans, 8 km from Beijing, villagers believe that cosmic forces have played since 11 December. An object of man with golden light moved slowly into the sky from the mountain range that surrounds the area. About what things actually looked it was still a topic of debate. Many connecting "thing" with the local trust, but the Chinese government seemed to reject all predictions that connects it with the phenomenon of religious space


Did We Really Smart Track Foreign Civilization Earth?

5 billion years ago, planet Earth was still too hot for a living. It is estimated that new life is formed after the Earth cooled and the skin layer formed of water. The question is, is there life outside planet Earth?
Is there intelligent life on Earth will be found elsewhere in the vast Universe is? Or, is there a so-called ETI (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)?

A number of star systems like our solar system with the sun surrounded by planets, already surveyed, from the radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, in 1972. In 1977, they detected adalanya signal from outer space known as the WOW signal. But unfortunately, it was considered a false signal and then ignored. Is this an effort of will keep finding intelligent life outside Earth? 


Research scientist Loch Ness Monster

Can Revealing the mystery?
Or Just Adding Controversy?

Is the lake in Scotland there are monsters called with the Loch Ness? This phenomenon is not considered to play games and a team of scientists led by Swedish scientists in Jan Sundberg trying to uncover this mystery. Loch Ness Monster, Scotland, seems to have relatives in Norway. Norwegian ocean researchers, Aud Vold said on Soldal NTB news agency that he was recording voice mysterious sounds like a whale in Lake Seljord, Norway, so support the legend, the lake was inhabited by a monster. "Apparently, the sound that of living things, seen the frequency and structure. "he said. "I do not know where it came from, "he added. Recordings were reviewed by experts Norway, Sweden and the UK. Experts suspect the sound that of marine mammals such as whales, seals or sea lions. Creature dubbed the "Selma", the alleged relative of the Loch Ness monster suspected to reside in the Scottish lake.